Mechanism of the next academic year
The Ministry of Education announces the mechanism of the next academic year.
Press Conference
- Madrasati platform in the Kingdom has achieved world records.
- We thank every mother and every parent who has contributed to the continuation of distance education.
- We thank the teachers and faculty for completing the academic year successfully.
- Most importantly, thank you to our great country, which provided all the means for the continuation of education during the Corona pandemic.
- All employees of the Ministry of Education should promptly obtain a coronavirus vaccine.
- We worked for two years, where we concluded that the education system needs real and deep development.
- There is a gap between the actual educational ladder years and the years provided within the education system is 3 years.
- Curriculum development is vital to raising the efficiency of education in the Kingdom.
- We will not force students to be vaccinated, and we will provide a safe learning environment.
- There are summer courses for male and female teachers and will be announced later.
The academic year will starts on Sunday [21-01-1443 Hijri] 29th August 2021 and ends on [01-12-1443 Hijri] 30th June 2022.
Mechanism of the next academic year
- Next academic year will include new academic subjects.
- Adding new academic subjects and developing other curricula.
- The new academic year for the academic year 1443 AH for general education will be 3 semesters instead of two semesters.
- Each semester consists of 13 weeks, including the development of study plans and curricula.
- 12 leave during one academic year.
The Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is keen on developing education to achieve the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education
- Increasing school days.
- Aim to dispense with the preparatory year.
- There will be extended education leaves.
- Education development is continuous and will not stop.
- Lastly, the continuation of the Madrasati platform and distance education during the next academic year.
#وزير_التعليم خلال مؤتمر #التقويم_الدراسي_الجديد: أشكر زملائي وزميلاتي من المعلمين والمعلمات وأعضاء هيئة التدريس والتدريب والإداريين، وأولياء الأمور، على جهودهم المميزة بعد انتهاء العام الدراسي الاستثنائي، ونقدر لهم عزيمتهم وتفانيهم، في نجاح العملية التعليمية عن بُعد.
— وزارة التعليم – عام (@moe_gov_sa) May 26, 2021
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