Ministry of Education update on schools reopening

educational institute protocols riyadh xpress
educational institute protocols riyadh xpress

Ministry of Education update on schools reopening for the new academic year. The Ministry of Education mentioned that “Over the next two weeks, the return plan will be announced for the new school year.” This plan will include details but the Ministry still discussed the 3 domains or possibilities for schools. More details below.

Ministry of Education update on schools reopening

The virus has disrupted the way we use to live our lives. Education is also changed and more students started studying online or distance. However, normal life is returning slowly and cautiously. The Minister of Education announces 3 domains for the academic year:

  • “Red”, so that the distance study will be 100%, which is a few cases.
  • “Orange” will be in attendance and remotely.
  • “Green”, and the study will be fully in attendance with the establishment of preventive precautions.
Riyadh Xpress

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