Schools reopening evaluation from next week will take place by the Ministry of Education and experts. Currently, Saudi Arabia is teaching via technology means to make sure students are still getting an education. The ministry announced when introduced the remote education platform “Madrasati”.
Schools reopening evaluation from next week
The initial 5 weeks will finish next week which means there will be an update if the schools will continue as it is or it will open for students to come in. The below translates to “Next week, the Ministry of Education begins evaluating the remote educational process, after 5 weeks have passed since the start of the first semester. After the evaluation is carried out, the Ministry will decide whether to continue the process remotely through the “مدرستي” platform after the end of the pre-set 7-week period or to move to study with attendance.”
تبدأ وزارة التعليم،الأسبوع المقبل تقييم العملية التعليمية عن بعد، بعد مرور 5 أسابيع منذ انطلاق الفصل الدراسي الأول .. وستقرر الوزارة بعد إجراء التقييم ما إذا كانت ستواصل العملية عن بعد عبر منصة "مدرستي" عقب انتهاء فترة الـ7 أسابيع المحددة مسبقاً، أم ستنتقل إلى الدراسة حضورياً.
— خبر عاجل (@AJELNEWS24) September 26, 2020
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