Saudi Arabia Urged Residents to cancel their final exit and exit/re-entry visa

Saudi Arabia Urged Residents to cancel their final exit and exit re entry visa
Saudi Arabia Urged Residents to cancel their final exit and exit re entry visa

Saudi Arabia Urged Residents to cancel their final exit and exit/re-entry visa. There will be fines and it is still active for violators. But people who can’t travel now have to cancel their exit re-entry or final exit until airports are opened again. The news is published on Jawazat’s official twitter page and Saudi Press Agency. More details and actual sources below.

Saudi Arabia Urged Residents to cancel their final exit and exit/re-entry visa

The validity or any details of the visa can be accessed by using Absher or Muqeem portal. In case residents don’t have access to the portal. They need to contact their employers as a matter of urgency to avoid any fines.

Saudi Arabia Urged Residents to cancel their final exit and exit_re-entry visa
Image by Jawazat, 2020
Riyadh Xpress

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1 Comment

  1. My Iqama expiry is on 8-8-1441, which is April 1st. On 2nd Feb, my company made my final exit also. But due to the present ruling, they cancelled my final exit. Now my company mandoob is asking to pay 1year Iqama fee for me and family( around 30,000 sar!!). Please advise.

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