Saudi Arabia to introduce coded zones in Makkah for better experience

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Saudi Arabia to introduce coded zones in Makkah for better experience. In a significant move to optimize the experience for worshippers at Islam’s holiest sites, the General Authority for Care of the Two Holy Mosques in Saudi Arabia has inked an agreement with the Saudi Postal and Logistics Company. The focus? Dividing the sprawling Grand Mosque into coded zones, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at facilitating access and providing clear guidance within this sacred space.

Saudi Arabia to introduce coded zones in Makkah for better experience

The announcement, made on the sidelines of a conference dedicated to services related to the Islamic Hajj pilgrimage, signals a commitment to ensuring a seamless experience for the millions of Muslims who annually visit the Grand Mosque in Mecca. At the heart of this endeavor is the desire to make the pilgrimage more accessible and navigable for worshippers and workers alike.

The coded zone approach is set to revolutionize the way the Grand Mosque is experienced. By precisely delineating geographical locations, worshippers will find it easier to navigate this expansive space. The initiative also promises to enhance operational efficiency by aiding in the strategic distribution of working personnel based on accommodation and operational capacity.

This forward-thinking agreement aligns with Saudi Arabia’s broader efforts to improve facilities for Umrah pilgrims. Last year, a record-breaking 13.5 million Umrah pilgrims were welcomed, showcasing the increasing significance of the Grand Mosque as a destination for devout Muslims worldwide.

Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam, has been proactive in unveiling various facilitative measures. From simplified visa processes allowing entry through all outlets—land, air, and sea—to extending invitations for friends abroad to undertake Umrah, the Kingdom is clearly dedicated to making the pilgrimage experience more inclusive.

A particularly notable change is the decision to no longer require women pilgrims to be escorted by male guardians, a move towards greater autonomy for female worshippers. Furthermore, expatriates residing in Gulf Cooperation Council countries are now eligible to apply for a tourist visa, irrespective of their profession, and can embark on the spiritual journey of Umrah.

As Saudi Arabia continues to invest in infrastructure and services, it’s evident that the goal is not just to accommodate the growing number of pilgrims but to enhance their entire experience. The Grand Mosque, with its iconic Holy Kaaba, remains a beacon for millions, and these innovative steps ensure that the spiritual journey is met with ease and convenience.

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