5 things you need to know about Coronavirus in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has been vigilant in the fight against coronavirus. The pro-active measures and continuous precautions are helping the country to maintain the current epidemic. We have made a list of five important facts which you need to know about the current condition.
5 things you need to know about Coronavirus in Saudi Arabia
- The 7-day moving average shows the most number of cases in the last 7 days until 9th June. This is 2,794 (in 7 days) compared to May 22 which was 2,649.
2. The number of active cases or currently infected has an upward trend as shown in the graph below.
3. Riyadh announced the highest number of recorded cases in the last 24 hours so far. The total number of positive cases announced 1,317.
4. Most of the mosques that were closed due to the registration of Corona cases in Riyadh, their reopening will be 5 days after sterilization.
أكثر المساجد التي تم إغلاقها بسبب تسجيل حالات كورونا في #الرياض ، وإعادة فتحها سيكون بعد 5 أيام من تعقيمها.#الرياض #السعودية
— أخبار السعودية (@SaudiNews50) June 10, 2020
5. You can avoid coronavirus spread by wearing masks and avoiding gatherings.
الصحة تُذكّر:
— أخبار السعودية (@SaudiNews50) June 10, 2020
يمكنكم تجنب الإصابات بكورونا عبر ارتداء الكمامات والابتعاد عن التجمعات.#السعودية #الصحة
We are sure that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will continue to fight this virus. The continuous effort by the Health Professionals and authorities will help in reducing the spread of COVID-19.
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