Results of 10 Saudi Students evacuated from Wuhan – Coronavirus

10 saudi students
10 saudi students

Results of 10 Saudi Students evacuated from Wuhan and arrived in the Kingdom on 2nd February 2020. Here are the details of when they arrived and below are the results of their Coronavirus tests.

More Details on 10 Saudi Students

After 14 days of quarantine, the results of all tests related to Coronavirus came out negative. The students were tested twice a day to make sure there are no symptoms. They will now return to their homes in Saudi Arabia and continue their lives as normal citizens.

During their quarantine, the students were kept under medical observation. Their fever, cough and influenza symptoms tested twice every day. They also went through the saliva swab test which came out negative against Coronavirus. These were the only under observation individuals, which means no case of Coronavirus was positive so far for Saudi Arabia.

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