King Salman Orders Ramadan Holidays in May

king salman ramdan holidays
king salman ramdan holidays

King Salman – The Custodian of Two Holy Mosques has issued a royal order. In this royal order, he stated about the annual Ramadan holidays in May. The date announced as the last day work is 14th May 2020 and 21st Ramadan. More details on exams and end of semesters for schools are below.

The Final Exams of the academic second semester will be starting on May 3rd. One or two days plus-minus should be kept in accounts if planning travels. 3rd May will be the 10th of Ramadan. Parents are requested to check with schools as the schedule can be different for private schools. The details above mentioned by the Minister of Education Dr. Hamad Al-Sheikh who quotes the royal decree. “The King’s decision will have a positive impact on the results of education and the standard of performance in the examinations,” he said.

So these holidays mostly focus on Schools and Universities. The offices will still operate as usual depending on the companies. Most of the companies close their operations from 28th or 29th Ramadan depending upon the weekend. it is expected that offices will close on 21st May 2020 due to the weekend and 28th Ramadan. Eid ul Fitr will fall on a weekend which means two things. Either office will give more holidays for up to 7 days or cut the holidays short due to weekends.

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