Health Spokesperson update on the current condition of the virus – 30th June 2020. The spokesperson mentioned that it has been 6 months since Coronavirus or generally known as COVID-19 cases began to be registered in the world. More details below
Health Spokesperson update on the current condition of the virus – 30th June 2020
Many people affected by this virus globally, the Kingdom is also dealing with the virus currently. Here are some facts which were mentioned in the daily conference.
- The recovery rate from the emerging coronavirus was 68.5%.
- The Health Ministry spokesperson mentioned that “There is no scientific evidence that vitamin D protects against coronavirus infection.”
- Until 30th June 2020, there is no confirmed vaccine for Coronavirus, and the virus exists in the community and spreading.
- Blood types have nothing to do with corona infection.
- Coronavirus is not transmitted through the air, but rather through droplets.
- The current status of COVID-19 is still classified as a pandemic.
- 7 types of coronavirus that may infect humans.
- Studies have indicated corona’s association with animals.
- The incubation period of the virus ranges from 10-14 days and the severity of the disease varies from person to person.
— إمارة منطقة مكة (@makkahregion) June 30, 2020
– 7 أنواع لفيروسات كورونا التاجية التي قد تصيب الإنسان
– الدراسات أشارت إلى ارتباط فيروس كورونا بالحيوانات
– فترة حضانة الفيروس تتراوح بين 10 – 14 يوماً وشدّة المرض تختلف من شخص لآخر

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