Farman Ali Khan – An Ordinary Pakistani & Superhero of Saudi Arabia

farman ali khan riyadh xpress
farman ali khan riyadh xpress

The Story of an Ordinary Pakistani Man goes back to 2009. Farman Ali Khan’s story is a lesson for all of us living in this world. It has been a decade since Farman lost his life saving more than a dozen lives. Crown Prince also praised the heroics of Farman Ali Khan. Mohammed Bin Salman also orders health center in honor of the superhero. Crown Prince mentioned that the Health Center will be opened in Kyber Pakhtunkawa (Pakistan) which will help Farman’s countrymen.

Why Farman Ali Khan story is so special?

The Hero of KSA saved 14 lives of people stuck during the 2009 floods of Jeddah. He tied a rope to his waist and without thinking twice jumped into flooded water. Unfortunately, he died when he was trying to save more people. The Brave and Fearless person lost his loved trying to save others. The rare example of courage is quite rare in this world.

Shortly after his death, King Abdullah (King at that time) wrote a letter to Khan’s Family. In this letter, King Abdullah invite the family of Khan as state guests. They were also invited to the royal palace for accepting the highest honour award known as “The King Abdul Aziz Medal of the First Order”.

After the heroics of Khan where he lost his life, Saudi Arabia also named a street after him. This gesture was just merely to respect the memories of Farman Ali Khan. However, his name will be remembered till eternity after the honor.

This story proves that humanity still exist in this world. Race, Background, Colour or Nationality doesn’t matter when it comes to save lives. We can learn from this story and use Farman;s story as an example for our future generations.

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