Ban and exemptions on professions to enter houses

Ban and exemptions on professions to enter houses
Ban and exemptions on professions to enter houses

Ban and exemptions on professions to enter houses has been re-confirmed by the ministry. According to the official source, there are some professions that are allowed to enter houses for their jobs. These jobs include plumbers and electricians as they are providing essential services to the general community. There have been cases where people caught working in individual or family houses.

Ban and exemptions on professions to enter houses

The job professions which are not allowed to enter houses include:

  • Barbers
  • Beauticians
  • Sales Representative
  • Private tutors
  • and other non-essential workers

It is absolutely vital for all of us to work together and beat this virus. For the allowed professions as well, health advice must be followed. They should wear masks and gloves while engaging in any work. Failure to adhere to the practices results in issues.

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