NEWS7.1 Magnitude Earthquake Japan’s Fukushima prefecture [VIDEO]7.1 Magnitude Earthquake Japan’s Fukushima prefecture, after the earthquake was reported in several areas of Pakistan and India yesterday with the magnitude of ... By adminFebruary 13, 20210
NEWSEarthquake in several areas of Pakistan and IndiaEarthquake in several areas of Pakistan and India has been reported on 12th February. The witnesses or citizens of these cities mentioned that ... By adminFebruary 12, 20210
NEWSEid Al Adha 2022: Saudi Arabia announced an update regarding the Crescent of Dhul HijjahJune 29, 2022102847 views
NEWSEid Al Adha 2021: Saudi Arabia announced an update regarding the Crescent of Dhul HijjahJuly 9, 2021102526 views
NEWSEid Ul Fitr 2022: Saudi Arabia announced an update regarding the Crescent of ShawwalApril 30, 202297577 views