Saudi Ministry of Health announced 2 new cases of Coronavirus which makes it the total number of cases 7. Saudi Arabia recently announced all the citizens and residents of Saudi Arabia to disclose any travel to Iran. But some people failed to report their recent travel history.
Saudi Ministry of Health announced 2 new cases of Coronavirus
All 7 cases are linked to Iran who traveled via transit flights. The new 6th case is a Saudi Citizen who traveled from Iran via Bahrain. The 7th Case is the citizen from Najran who traveled from Iran via the United Arab Emirates. Both cases failed to inform about their travel to Iran.
#الصحة تعلن تسجيل حالتين جديدتين بفيروس #كورونا الجديد (Covid19) لمواطنة قادمة من إيران عبر البحرين، والحالة الأخرى لمواطنة قادمة من النجف بالعراق عبر الإمارات وكلا الحالتين لم تفصحا عند المنفذ وبذلك تصل جميع الحالات المؤكدة إلى سبع حالات.
— وزارة الصحة السعودية (@SaudiMOH) March 7, 2020

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