Lil Wayne tweets ‘Never going to Riyadh again’ – Here is what happened

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lil wayne riyadh xpress

Lil Wayne Riyadh

The US Rapper Lil Wayne had a great show at Riyadh but he tweeted ‘Never going to Riyadh again‘. The tweet was after few hours where he said ‘See you soon Riyadh !!’. So what exactly happened which change Lil Wayne’s mind to show his anger? Here is what we have gathered from the sources.

Stars and Celebrities are known to be very public and keep their fans updated with everything. It is almost impossible to miss their tweets, images or posts. However, the tweet was mysteriously disappeared after a short while but people already started jokes and mocking. It is very hard to undo in the social world, this is a lesson we can learn from it.

The Reason behind Never Going to Riyadh again

The reason behind Lil Wayne’s anger was ‘Drugs’. The star was unaware of the Kingdom’s law on Drugs and Alcohol. This was confirmed after the tweet by GASSAN “Drugs are not allowed in Saudia Arabia and I am sure that our guys informed you before, and you though that we are kidding, so shut up and go back to you home.’ Several other officials backed the information by the same social platform twitter.

However, the star was initially really happy with the response in Kingdom. His initial tweet was ‘See you soon Riyadh’. We guess this is a lesson for all the stars that Kingdom did open their doors but it doesn’t mean they will not care about laws and rules. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will still keep their fight on Drugs and other life taking deadly things.

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