Saudi Arabia announced new 24 Coronavirus cases increased the number of cases to 86 in the Kingdom. The new cases include a Female Saudi Citizen who came back from France. More Details on the positive cases below.
Saudi Arabia new 24 cases increased the number of cases to 86
The number of people who were found positive with Coronavirus cases is now 86 in Saudi Arabia. This includes 38 male and 48 female patients. The average age of infected persons is 49 years except for two cases. The nationalities of infected people include 33 Saudi Citizens and 53 Non-Saudi Citizens. The Non-Saudi Citizens include 48 Egyptians, 2 Bahrainis, 1 American, 1 from Lebanon and 1 Bangladeshi Nationality. The official tweet can be found below.
عدد الحالات المسجلة بفيروس #كورونا الجديد في المملكة (٨٦) حالة منها ٣٨ ذكور و ٤٨ إناث، جميعهم بالغين (متوسط أعمار ٤٩ عاماً) باستثناء حالتين لطفلين.
— المتحدث الرسمي لوزارة الصحة (@spokesman_moh) March 13, 2020
من بينهم ٣٣ سعوديين ، و ٥٣ غير سعوديين (مصر ٤٨ ، البحرين ٢ ، أمريكا ١ ، لبنان ١ ، بنغلاديش ١)

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