Movie Cinemas MOH guidelines to reopen and control the virus has been announced. These guidelines will also tell customers what to expect when you are visiting the cinema with your friends and families.
Movie Cinemas MOH guidelines to reopen and control the virus
- Floor stickers or clear signs of parking spaces must be put in place to ensure that the concept of social spacing is applied for a distance of at least one and a half to two meters in waiting areas such as entrances, ticket venues, places of sale of food and beverages, or toilets.
- Chairs or seating areas should be designed in such a way as to ensure that the social spacing is applied for a distance of at least one and a half to two meters by leaving two seats empty between each individual and from all directions.
- The family can sit together and the spacing must be applied between them and the rest of the clients, ensuring a distance of one and a half to two meters at least.
- The capacity should be reduced by half for each hall in cinemas. Ensuring a distance of one and a half to two meters at least between each person (or each family) by placing stickers on chairs that explain the place to sit or determine that in advance at the time of purchase of tickets.
- It is preferable to visit cinemas by purchasing tickets from websites and applications designated for the reservation to reduce crowding and large gatherings at the box office and to facilitate the organization process.
- Specific entrances and exits must be allocated with the organization of regulators at the doors to ensure the process of entry and exit of clients and prevent crowding and make sure that there are distances between them and it is preferable that the regulators be security guards.
- Hand sanitizers should be distributed and placed in prominent places at the doors and toilets so that they are easily accessible to all visitors.
- It must be ensured that the hand sanitizer contains 60-80% alcohol and is in compliance with the FDA requirements.
- Tissue paper should be provided and placed in prominent places.
- Obligation to cleanse the most touching environmental surfaces (such as door handles, hand rests, etc.) by cinema-goers with disinfectants approved by the Food and Drug Authority and follow the instructions provided in the practical guide for cleaning and disinfection of public facilities to combat Covid-19 infection issued by the National Center for Disease Prevention And combat it.
- The cleaning process must be done by removing the dirt with soap and water before the surface cleaning process is started.
- It is preferable to provide the bathrooms and toilets with self-operated taps to avoid the transmission by touch.
- Daily cleaning and disinfection of toilets, preferably every two hours, with care to ensure good ventilation, reduce the temperature therein, and keep a record of the times of disinfection.
- Ensure that the toilets contain efficiently functioning toilets, surfaces must be cleaned and disinfected after each use and provide an additional amount of at least 20% of handwashing supplies.
- Preventing overcrowding in bathrooms and toilets by placing floor stickers or disrupting the use of a number of bathrooms or washbasins to ensure a safe distance of one and a half to two meters between each person.
- A record of disinfection times for surfaces and toilets should be kept.
- Ensure good ventilation and reduce the temperature in cinemas by 25 cycles per hour in galleries and common places.
- Ticket touch devices must be disabled and the use of the fingerprint device for employee preparation and alternate methods should be disabled.
- Remove all printed copies and magazines
- It is preferable to have trash cans and waste that is distributed more widely in cinemas, which work without the need for contact, and waste must be disposed of continuously.
- Health requirements and guidelines must be adhered to prevent Covid-19 disease in relation to restaurants and designated prayer places if available (please refer to the guidelines issued by the National Center for Disease Prevention and Control of restaurants or mosques).
- Protocols for open entertainment must be adhered to in the open cinemas.
Guidelines and requirements for the protection of workers, visitors, clients and cinemas
- Workers should reduce personal contact with customers and visitors, wear masks and gloves when dealing with them, and adhere to social spacing at all times, including the process of selling tickets or food and drinks.
- Supervisors must be appointed to reduce groupings among clients in general and adhere to social separation, provided that each person is between one and a half distance of one and a half to two meters.
- Emphasis on caring for frequent washing of hands with soap and water for at least forty seconds at a time, or cleansing hands with an approved antiseptic for a period of no less than twenty seconds in the event that soap and water are not available.
- Ensure the wearing of medical or cloth masks, or what covers the nose and mouth of clients or workers, and wearing gloves and masks for cleaning workers, when cleaning and sterilizing cinemas, and then disposing them in the proper way and in the designated place.
- Prevent anyone who does not wear a muzzle from entering cinemas.
- Be sure to wear protective gear such as gloves and masks when cleaning or disinfection of movie theaters, and dispose of them properly and in the designated place.
Epidemiological surveillance, reporting and monitoring
- It is preferable to provide thermal cameras to measure the temperature of cinema-goers, rather than cameras covering all entrances to cinemas.
- Make a checkpoint at all the main entrances, including measuring the temperature with a device approved by the Food and Drug General Authority and asking about respiratory symptoms, if any (coughing or shortness of breath).
- Prevent visitors and clients who have a high fever or respiratory symptoms from entering the venue.
Measuring the temperature for all those in charge of cinemas and all workers daily before the start of the work period, recording the temperature and communication data, and keeping them in a dedicated record. - Not allowing any person in the cinemas who has flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat) to work or enter the place until the symptoms disappear, according to the report of the attending physician.
- Reporting cases between cinema operators and workers who have a high fever or respiratory symptoms (coughing or shortness of breath) suspected of having the COVID-19 and must be prevented from entering cinemas, specifying data and case contact numbers, and immediately calling 937 to find directions for their referral To the hospital.
- In the event that there is housing for workers, it is preferable to prepare an isolation room for the suspected cases in the residence designated for them so that they are isolated in order for them to be contacted by the competent authorities. (Please see the health conditions for workers’ housing to combat COVID-19)
- In the event that a confirmed case is registered between one of the cinema operators, the following should be done:
- Close the cinemas and suspend work in them until all halls are thoroughly disinfected and ventilated.
- Ensure that there is no source of infection by examining and isolating other workers.
The procedures and precautions mentioned in the Handbook for Dealing with Suspected or Confirmed Cases of Covid-19 Disease must be applied at the workplace issued by the National Center for Disease Prevention and Control.
Awareness and education
- Workers, visitors, and cinema operators should be made aware of the symptoms of the disease, the means of transmission of the disease and its seriousness, and be aware of avoiding going to work in the event of any respiratory symptoms (coughing or shortness of breath) or a rise in temperature.
- Sensitize workers, visitors, and cinemas to the necessity of disclosing the appearance of any respiratory symptoms (coughing or shortness of breath) or a rise in temperature by calling 937.
- It is preferable to use the period of advertisements that precede film screenings to educate customers about the disease and include a demonstration of safe exit and entry procedures that prevent crowding out in the halls. Awareness leaflets should also be distributed in all entrances and theaters of cinemas and be in prominent places, and it is also preferred to publish them when purchasing tickets And that is through text messages, e-mail, or by printing them on tickets, preferably in different languages and including the following:
- Methods of transmission and prevention of disease.
- Raising awareness about washing hands, avoiding touching the eyes, nose, and mouth, and urging them to take care of personal hygiene and health care.
- Follow the etiquette of sneezing and coughing (use a tissue and get rid of it as quickly as possible, use the elbow by bending the arm).
- Continuous alerting to the importance of adhering to the safety guidelines, protection from illness, physical spacing, and blocking gatherings.
- Sensitize and urge elderly and chronic disease visitors to postpone visiting cinemas.
- It is preferable to establish channels of communication for those in charge of cinemas, rather than breaching requirements, reporting violations, and working to avoid them.
- Supervisors are preferred to set customer entry and exit mechanisms from exhibition halls and to prevent crowding.
- It is preferable to create a plaque that includes a statement of the wrongdoing and how to report it.
- Training of officials at checkpoints on the method of examination and the use of a temperature meter.
- Conduct mandatory health and safety training on COVID 19 for all employees.

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