47 Million Covid19 vaccines administered
The number of people who administered the Covid19 vaccines in Saudi Arabia has reached more than 47 Million. The Covid19 vaccine campaign in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is running on the high as the government is keen to provide the coronavirus vaccine. People can register/book to get the coronavirus jab from the Sehatty app.
47 Million Covid19 vaccines administered from more than 587 vaccines center around the Kingdom. The coronavirus vaccine campaign runs in the Kingdom on the high as the people continue to register to administer the coronavirus vaccine. People of all age who are eligible can take the second dose of the coronavirus vaccine now in the Kingdom.
View live Dashboard: Click Here.
بفضل الله أكثر من (47,000,000) جرعة من لقاح كورونا (كوفيد-19) تم إعطائها حتى الآن عبر أكثر من (587) موقع للتطعيم في كافة مناطق المملكة.#خذ_الخطوة خذ اللقاح وسجل الآن عبر تطبيق صحتي.https://t.co/BnAPh0VtZR pic.twitter.com/dEWv3YEX3E
— وزارة الصحة السعودية (@SaudiMOH) November 20, 2021
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