Ministry of Education – Summer Period
The Ministry of Education’s plan to support education during the summer period for primary and middle school students will continue for a period of six weeks, starting from 13th June 2021 to 14th July 2021, and from 26th July 2021 to 5th August 2021.
The Ministry of Education began on Sunday 13th June 2021, the opening of summer educational support centers remotely through the Madrasati platform. All education departments and offices in the regions to build and enhance the basic skills of male and female students, and develop their abilities.
تستمر خطة وزارة التعليم في دعم التعليم خلال فترة الصيف لطلاب المرحلتين الابتدائية والمتوسطة، لمدة ستة أسابيع، بدءاً من 3 ذو القعدة الجاري إلى 4 ذو الحجة المقبل، ومن 16 إلى 26 ذو الحجة.
— خبر عاجل (@AJELNEWS24) June 12, 2021