Health Minister shared a story of a person who died and didn’t take the Coronavirus vaccine because of rumors. This is a sad case where every human should think carefully before sharing any ill/wrong message or a message which can take lives. See the health minister’s message to everyone.
Health Minister shared a story of a person who died and didn’t take the vaccine because of rumors
Health Minister said, “I had a story that hurt me a lot, for someone who had an appointment for his father to get the vaccine for a while, and because of being led by rumors, he refused the date, so that his father died afterwards due to his infection with the virus – may God have mercy on him -.”
“Then I wished I could convince everyone of myself, and still try my best. Everyone .. Please from the heart.. Take Step.. Get vaccinated.”
مرت بي قصة آلمتني كثيراً، لشخص توفر موعد لوالده للحصول على اللقاح منذ فترة، وبسبب الانسياق خلف الشائعات رفض الموعد، ليتوفى والده بعدها بسبب إصابته بالفيروس -رحمه الله-.
— توفيق الربيعة (@tfrabiah) March 19, 2021
تمنيت بعدها لو أستطيع أن أقنع كل شخص بنفسي، ولازلت أحاول جهدي.
لكل فرد .. أرجوك من القلب #خذ_الخطوة خذ اللقاح
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