Educational Institute Protocols
Educational Institute Protocols – A must made checkpoint at the entrance of the educational institutions. This is to ensure that every trainee examined before entering the institute. And, before he arrives in the hall and mixes it with trainers or other trainees.
- The checkpoint should include measuring the temperature with a device approved by the SFDA Saudi Food and Drug Authority.
- Asking about respiratory symptoms (cough or distress) or short of breathing.
- Training of officials at checkpoints on the method of examination and the use of a thermometer.
- Preventing trainees who have a high temperature (measure temperature 38 degrees or more) or have respiratory symptoms (coughing or shortness of breath) from entering the institute and providing them with alternative methods.
- Ensure that all trainees wear masks.
Staff Examination
The examination of all coaches, employees, and cleaners is a must before entering the institute. The examination includes temperature and respiratory symptoms and to register this in a special statement.
It is preferable to record case data that have a high temperature or respiratory symptoms (cough or shortness of breath) suspected of being infected with the Covid-19 virus and send it to the District Health Affairs Directorate and keep the record for reference if necessary.
If a confirmed case is registered among a worker, reference is made to the evidence dealing with suspected or confirmed cases of Covid-19 disease in the workplace issued by the National Center for Disease Prevention and Control.
In the event that there is housing for workers, it is preferable to prepare an isolation room for the suspected cases in the residence designated for them so that they are isolated in order for it to be contacted by the competent authorities. (Please see the health conditions for workers’ housing to combat Covid-19).
It is preferable to establish communication channels to report violations of requirements and report violations in order to avoid them.

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