3 months validity increase for visit visa without any charge by Jawazat or General Directorate of Passports. The decision was taken as part of the Royal Order and decision to support people during the pandemic. There is no charge on the renewals of visas included in the order. Details below.
3 months validity increase for visit visa without any charge
According to the latest update on Twitter by Jawazat below. “Passports announce the completion of the automatic extension of the term of the “visitor visas” automatically for expatriates who are inside the Kingdom, which ends during the period of suspension of entry and exit from the Kingdom, in coordination with the National Information Center, and for a period of (3) months without charge.”
#الجوازات تعلن عن اكتمال تمديد صلاحية مدة “تأشيرات الزيارة” آليًا للوافدين المتواجدين داخل المملكة والتي تنتهي خلال فترة تعليق الدخول والخروج من المملكة، وذلك بالتنسيق مع مركز المعلومات الوطني، ولمدة (3) أشهر دون مقابل pic.twitter.com/Den06BUzoK
— الجوازات السعودية (@AljawazatKSA) July 26, 2020

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