Shopping Exhibition and Party
Javeria Asad – Elite Club KSA arranged a shopping exhibition and party to celebrate the new year in a local restaurant in Alkhobar. The venue was thoroughly decorated to compliment the theme. The event agenda was based on festive activities with multiple shopping stalls of different products by elite entrepreneurs like dresses, jewelry, cosmetics, food, etc. Kid’s food and face painting stalls were also there to entertain the kids.
Ladies and kids from different communities visited the event and enjoyed the activities at their fullest. The event was conducted by the founder of the club Javeria Asad accompanied by the club coordinators Sadia Tajammal and Saba Idrees.
Best Makeup Artist Contest
The most awaited segment of the event was the “Best makeup artist contest”. The contest judged by the experienced makeup artists Zakia Noor and Sadia Tajammal. Raniya Faisal won the contest and Farkhanda Sahar and Ayesha Suleman got the second and third positions respectively. Shafique Imran and Nazish Shakeel gave the gifts to the winners. All the contestants were given gifts and certificates from the club to acknowledge their efforts to participate in the contest.
One segment of the event was based on kids recycling Art display for the awareness about global warming. Kids from different schools participated in the display and brought their hand made recycled art pieces.
Students from Rising star preschool and kindergarten specifically participated in the display under the supervision of the principal Ghazal Osama. All the parents appreciated the efforts and theme of the segment. They commented that these kinds of activities enhance the self-confidence of kids. The gifts & certificates awarded to all the kids to appreciate their spirit.
Later, the launching ceremony of the third edition of Elitian times Wedding Bells helded. All the guests enthusiastically took part in the launch and showed their appreciation towards this great initiative. This magazine is catering to ladies and kids writers from all over the kingdom to enhance their writing skills. It’s been two years of this venture and got a huge response from the community.
In the end, raffle draws & gifts distributed to all lucky winners.
All the visitors highly applauded the efforts of the management team and emphasized to plan more events in the future.

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