Saher Camera single and double flash meaning in KSA

Saher Camera single and double flash
Saher Camera single and double flash

Saher Camera single and double flash meaning in KSA. The Saher camera system in Saudi Arabia includes various advanced features aimed to ensure improvement of traffic management and road safety. Here’s a detailed overview:

Saher Camera single and double flash meaning in KSA – Types of Flashes

  • Single Flash: Indicates that the Saher camera has captured an image of a vehicle for a specific violation. This could be speeding, not wearing a seatbelt, or using a mobile phone while driving.
  • Double Flash: Typically indicates that the Saher camera has captured images for a more serious violation, such as crossing a red light or another major traffic infraction. The double flash captures multiple images to provide a clear sequence of the violation.

Key Features of the Saher Camera System

  1. Speed Monitoring: The cameras can detect vehicles exceeding the speed limit. The new system can monitor different speed limits for various types of vehicles, including trucks, which the older system struggled with.
  2. Red Light Violation Detection: Installed at traffic signals, these cameras can detect vehicles that cross red lights, issuing fines to violators. This feature helps reduce accidents at intersections.
  3. Lane Change Monitoring: The Saher system can detect if a vehicle changes lanes excessively, ensuring drivers adhere to safe lane-keeping practices.
  4. Distance Monitoring: The system can measure the distance between vehicles, promoting safe driving distances to prevent tailgating and potential collisions. This feature is still being tested.
  5. Average Speed Calculation: Cameras are placed at intervals to calculate the average speed of a vehicle between two points. This discourages drivers from slowing down only at camera points and encourages consistent adherence to speed limits.
  6. Use of Mobile Phones and Seatbelt Checks: High-resolution cameras can capture images of drivers using mobile phones or not wearing seatbelts, ensuring compliance with safety regulations.
  7. Comprehensive Monitoring: The system not only covers highways but also service lanes, exit roads, and other intersections, providing extensive monitoring coverage to enhance traffic safety.
  8. License Plate Recognition: Saher cameras are equipped with a license plate recognition system to identify vehicles that commit violations, especially useful at city entrances and exits for tracking purposes.

Penalties for Violations

  • Speeding: Depending on the speed over the limit, fines can vary significantly.
  • Red Light Violations: The fine for crossing a red light starts at SR 3,000 and can increase to SR 6,000 for repeated offenses. Multiple violations can also result in vehicle seizure.

Additional Information

  • Taking a Right Turn on Red: Specific rules must be followed, such as staying in the extreme right lane, using the right indicator, stopping before the turn, and ensuring the speed does not exceed 15 km/h.
  • Emergency Vehicles: Drivers should not cross red lights even if an emergency vehicle is behind them. Instead, they should move to the side to let the vehicle pass safely.

These advancements in the Saher system are part of Saudi Arabia’s efforts to enhance road safety and reduce traffic-related incidents through technology and strict enforcement. For more information, you can visit local traffic authority websites or follow updates from relevant traffic management organizations.

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