Penalties & Violation to Public Decency in Saudi Arabia

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Penalties & Violation to Public Decency

Penalties & Violation to Public Decency in Saudi Arabia. Firstly, the article will state the violations & penalties in Saudi Arabia announced earlier by the gioverment of Saudi Arabia. Secondly, the list of 19 violations & the penalty amount.

1: Indecent behavior that includes an act of sexual nature.

  • First Time Violation: 3,000SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 6,000SAR
  • Remarks: For every person engaging in such behavior.

2: Playing music in high volume inside a residential area and one or more residents make a complaint, without obtaining prior approval.

  • First Time Violation: 500SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 1,000SAR

3: Playing music during prayer times.

  • First Time Violation: 1,000SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 2,000SAR

4: Non-removal of pet feces by its owner.

  • First Time Violation: 100SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 200SAR

5: Littering in non-designated areas & spitting.

  • First Time Violation: 500SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 1,000SAR

6: Occupying the seats & facilities designated for the elderly & the disabled.

  • First Time Violation: 200SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 400SAR

7: Bypassing barriers to access public places.

  • First Time Violation: 500SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 1,000SAR

8: Wearing improper clothing in public places. Dress code for visitors of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall be in accordance with the standards set for such purpose.

  • First Time Violation: 100SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 200SAR

9: Wearing underwear and sleepwear in public places.

  • First Time Violation: 100SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 200SAR

10: Wearing in public places clothing that bears profane language or obscene images or symbols.

  • First Time Violation: 100SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 200SAR

11: Wearing in public places clothing that bears language, images or symbols that encourage discrimination or racism, or promote porn or drug use.

  • First Time Violation: 500SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 1,000SAR

12: Writing or drawing, or any other similar act, on public transportation vehicles and on public walls without authorization.

  • First Time Violation: 100SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 200SAR

13: Placing slogans or images on public transportation vehicle that encourages racism, or promote porn or drug use.

  • First Time Violation: 100SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 200SAR

14: Placing commercial labels and distributing flyers in public places without permission.

  • First Time Violation: 100SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 200SAR

15: Igniting fires in non-designated areas in parks and public places.

  • First Time Violation: 100SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 200SAR

16: Any act, whether physical or verbal, that may harm, frighten, or endanger any individual in a public place.

  • First Time Violation: 100SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 200SAR

17: Skipping waiting lines in public places unless permitted.

  • First Time Violation: 50SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 100SAR

18: Exposing people in public places to harmful lightings, such as laser beams, that may harm frighten, or endanger such people.

  • First Time Violation: 100SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 200SAR

19: Lastly, Taking pictures or videos, without permission, people, traffic accidents, crimes or other incidents.

  • First Time Violation: 1,000SAR
  • Repeated Violation: 2,000SAR
  • Remarks: Pictures & Videos taken shall be deleted.

General Provisions

  • Firstly, the person authorized for the identification and recording of violations & imposition of fines as provided for in these regulations are policemen.
  • Secondly, penalties shall not be imposed on any behavior not provided for in the violations table.
  • Thirdly, each violator shall bear the costs of rectifying the violation.
  • Fourthly, any person harmed by the violation shall have the right to file a lawsuit.
  • In the case of multiple violators in a single violation, the prescribed fine shall be imposed on each violator.
  • In case of multiple violations, the violator shall be subject to the fines prescribed for each violation in accordance with these regulations.
  • Above all, any person against whom a penalty decision is issued, in accordance with these regulations, may file a grievance before the public decency circuit at the specialized administrative court (Board of Grievances)

In conclusion, this is a great step by the government to impose fines on such acts. Meanwhile, as we all know Saudi Arabia announced tourists visa earlier this month. For example, playing music on prayer timing is morally wrong.

Similarly, playing music on high volume can be dangerous for others. In addition, we welcome the Government in every decision they made.

Firstly, we have to follow all these rules. Secondly, these rules are for the betterment of our selves. Thirdly, modern Saudi Arabia welcoming everyone and opens the door. Most importantly, the Kingdom offers the world to see the unseen.


However, there’s an option for any person harmed by the violation shall have the right to file a lawsuit. Therefore, we must follow the rules & regulation. In other words, residents, and tourists. Most importantly, we must appreciate the Government for taking such steps to improve. Likewise, other countries who follow these strict rules are; UAE, UK, etc.

However, if you want to know more about Saudi Tourist Visa: Click Here.

Similarly, the 49 countries allowed eVisa services in Saudi Arabia. To know the list: Click Here.

Lastly, we welcome our tourists to Saudi Arabia as Saudi opens heart and doors.

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