Essential Tips for Expats Moving to Saudi Arabia

Essential Tips for Expats Moving to Saudi Arabia
Essential Tips for Expats Moving to Saudi Arabia

Essential Tips for Expats Moving to Saudi Arabia: Moving to Saudi Arabia is a significant step for anyone seeking new opportunities and experiences. The Kingdom offers a unique blend of tradition and modernity, providing a distinctive living and working environment. However, adapting to the local culture and lifestyle can be challenging. Here are some essential tips for expats to ensure a smooth transition and make the most of their time in Saudi Arabia.

Essential Tips for Expats Moving to Saudi Arabia – Understanding the Culture

Respect Local Customs

Saudi Arabia is known for its rich cultural heritage and strict adherence to Islamic traditions. As an expat, it’s crucial to respect and understand these customs.

  • Dress Code: Saudi Arabia has a conservative dress code. Women are required to wear an abaya, a long black cloak, in public, although covering the head with a hijab is often necessary in more conservative areas. Men should also dress modestly, avoiding shorts and sleeveless tops in public.
  • Behavior: Public displays of affection, such as hugging or kissing, are frowned upon and can attract unwanted attention. Additionally, it is essential to show respect for Islamic practices, including during Ramadan when eating, drinking, or smoking in public during daylight hours is prohibited.

Learn Basic Arabic

While English is widely spoken, especially in business and expatriate communities, learning basic Arabic phrases can be very helpful.

  • Language Skills: Knowing some Arabic can facilitate smoother interactions in daily activities, such as shopping or asking for directions. It also shows respect for the local culture and can help in building relationships with locals.

Legal and Administrative Matters

Visa and Residency

Ensuring that all legal documentation is in order is crucial for a hassle-free stay in Saudi Arabia.

  • Documentation: Before arrival, ensure that all necessary visas and work permits are obtained. The Iqama, or residency permit, is essential for legal residency and employment. This document must be carried at all times.
  • Renewals: Stay aware of the renewal dates for visas and permits to avoid legal issues. The process can be time-consuming, so it’s advisable to start renewal procedures well in advance.


Healthcare in Saudi Arabia is of high quality, but it’s essential to be prepared.

  • Insurance: Health insurance is mandatory for expats. Ensure you have comprehensive coverage that includes access to private hospitals, which are generally preferred by expatriates.
  • Local Facilities: Familiarize yourself with local healthcare facilities and procedures. Knowing the locations of nearby hospitals and clinics can be crucial in emergencies.

Essential Tips for Expats Moving to Saudi Arabia – Daily Life


Finding suitable accommodation is a top priority for expats.

  • Accommodation Choices: Many expats choose to live in compounds, which are gated communities offering a range of amenities and a lifestyle similar to that in the West. These compounds provide a sense of security and community, making the transition easier.
  • Lease Agreements: Understand the terms and conditions of lease agreements. It’s often advisable to rent initially before purchasing property, as this allows you to get a feel for the area and ensure it meets your needs.


Getting around in Saudi Arabia can be challenging, but there are various options available.

  • Driving License: If you plan to drive, you’ll need to obtain a Saudi driving license. The process involves a driving test and some paperwork. Be aware of local driving rules and regulations, as driving in Saudi can be quite different from what you’re used to.
  • Public Transport: Public transportation is still developing, but cities like Riyadh and Jeddah are expanding their networks. Ride-hailing apps like Uber and Careem are widely used and reliable alternatives to driving.

Social Life

Making Connections

Building a social network is crucial for a fulfilling expatriate experience.

  • Expat Communities: Joining expat groups and social clubs can help you build a support network and get practical advice from fellow expatriates who have already navigated the transition.
  • Local Interaction: Engaging with locals can enhance your experience and provide deeper insights into Saudi culture. Learning about local customs and participating in cultural events can be very rewarding.

Recreation and Leisure

Saudi Arabia offers a range of recreational activities and leisure options.

  • Activities: Major cities like Riyadh, Jeddah, and Dhahran have numerous parks, beaches, and cultural sites to explore. There are also many entertainment options, from shopping malls to restaurants and cinemas.
  • Travel Opportunities: The Kingdom’s diverse landscapes, from the Red Sea coast to the Empty Quarter desert, offer plenty of travel and adventure opportunities.

Financial Considerations


Managing finances is a critical aspect of settling in a new country.

  • Local Bank Account: Opening a local bank account is essential for convenient financial transactions. Most banks offer a range of services tailored to expatriates, including online banking and international money transfers.
  • Currency: Familiarize yourself with the Saudi Riyal (SAR) and the local cost of living. Understanding local pricing can help you budget more effectively.

Cost of Living

The cost of living in Saudi Arabia can vary widely depending on your lifestyle and location.

  • Housing Costs: Accommodation can be one of the most significant expenses, especially in major cities. Compound living tends to be more expensive but offers more amenities and security.
  • Groceries and Dining: While some imported goods can be costly, local products are reasonably priced. Dining out can range from affordable local eateries to high-end restaurants.
  • Utilities: Utilities are generally affordable, but it’s essential to understand the billing system and average costs.

Essential Tips for Expats Moving to Saudi Arabia – Conclusion

Relocating to Saudi Arabia offers a unique opportunity to experience a different culture and lifestyle. By respecting local customs, understanding legal requirements, and engaging with both expatriate and local communities, expats can ensure a fulfilling and smooth transition to their new life in the Kingdom. With careful preparation and an open mind, living in Saudi Arabia can be a rewarding experience that offers both professional and personal growth.

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