List of Essential Arabic Phrases to learn

Essential Arabic phrases
Essential Arabic phrases

Travelling or living in Saudi Arabia can be an exciting and enriching experience, but navigating a new country and culture can sometimes be challenging. While many people in Saudi Arabia speak English, knowing a few key Arabic phrases can make your visit more enjoyable and help you connect with locals. In this guide, we’ve compiled a list of essential Arabic phrases to know when visiting Saudi Arabia in 2024. Whether you’re exploring Riyadh, Jeddah, or any other city, these phrases will come in handy.

Essential Arabic Phrases

1. Greetings and Basic Etiquette
  • Hello: السلام عليكم (As-salamu alaykum) – Peace be upon you
    Response: وعليكم السلام (Wa alaykum as-salam) – And upon you be peace
  • Good Morning: صباح الخير (Sabah al-khayr)
    Response: صباح النور (Sabah an-noor) – Good morning (response)
  • Good Evening: مساء الخير (Masa’ al-khayr)
    Response: مساء النور (Masa’ an-noor) – Good evening (response)
  • Please: من فضلك (Min fadlak) [to a man] / من فضلكِ (Min fadlik) [to a woman]
  • Thank You: شكراً (Shukran)
  • You’re Welcome: على الرحب والسعة (Ala ar-rahb wa as-si’ah)
2. Common Questions and Requests
  • How Are You?: كيف حالك؟ (Kayfa halak?) [to a man] / كيف حالكِ؟ (Kayfa halik?) [to a woman]
  • I Don’t Understand: أنا لا أفهم (Ana la afham)
  • Do You Speak English?: هل تتحدث الإنجليزية؟ (Hal tatahaddath al-ingliziyya?)
  • How Much Is This?: كم ثمن هذا؟ (Kam thaman hadha?)
  • Where Is the Bathroom?: أين الحمام؟ (Ayna al-hammam?)
  • I’m Lost: أنا ضائع (Ana da’i’)
3. Dining and Shopping
  • Menu, Please: قائمة الطعام، من فضلك (Qaimat al-ta’am, min fadlak) [to a man] / قائمة الطعام، من فضلكِ (Qaimat al-ta’am, min fadlik) [to a woman]
  • I Would Like: أريد (Ureed)
  • Water: ماء (Ma’a)
  • Food: طعام (Ta’am)
  • How to Pay: كيف أدفع؟ (Kayfa adfa’?)
4. Directions and Transportation
  • How Do I Get to…?: كيف أذهب إلى…؟ (Kayfa adhhab ila…?)
  • Left: يسار (Yasar)
  • Right: يمين (Yamin)
  • Straight Ahead: مباشرة (Mubashara)
  • Taxi: تاكسي (Taxi)
5. Emergency Phrases
  • Help!: أسرع! (Asri’!)
  • Call the Police: اتصل بالشرطة (Ittasil bil-shurta)
  • I’m Sick: أنا مريض (Ana marid) [for men] / أنا مريضة (Ana marida) [for women]
  • Ambulance: سيارة إسعاف (Sayyarat is’aaf)
  • Call an Ambulance: اتصل بالإسعاف (Ittasil bil-is’aaf)
  • Fire: حريق (Hareeq)
  • Call the Fire Department: اتصل بإدارة الإطفاء (Ittasil bi-idarat al-itfa’)


Knowing these essential Arabic phrases will enhance your experience in Saudi Arabia, helping you navigate daily interactions with ease and showing respect for the local culture. While English is commonly understood, making an effort to speak Arabic can foster positive connections and enrich your travel experience. Enjoy your journey through Saudi Arabia!

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