City of Makkah Daily Guide – Essential tips for visitors

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makkah riyadh xpress

City of Makkah Daily Guide

The city of Makkah is the holiest place for Muslims which is located in Saudi Arabia. This article is an Essential Mecca daily guide for millions of people visiting every year. Makkah is also one of the five pillars of Islam which makes it really important for Muslims. The holy place is also important because the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was also sent here as a messenger. The birthplace of the Prophet (PBUH) and the place of the first revelation of the Quran make this place precious for Muslims around the world.

Do’s and Dont’s when visiting Makkah

It is a common understanding to follow the law and rules of the country you visit. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is doing a great job in accommodating millions of people every year. They are continuously working with local and international experts to give proper solutions for visitors and pilgrims. Here is a list of Do’s and Dont’s when traveling to the holy city of Mecca.

Follow Cultural Norms

Wear the appropriate attire when you are visiting the holy city. Women should cover from Neck to Ankle, also they should cover their heads with scarves. It is part of the culture and respects the holy city. Shorts and Tank Tops must not be worn. Men must also follow the cultural norms to wear clothes that cover the whole body from neck to above ankle.

Be Humble and Polite

Many times it has been seen that people exhausted from Umrah or Hajj are not on their best behaviors. The Religion of Islam tells us the be humble and polite. Be considerate about others and talk to them in a humble and polite way. Don’t shout or raise your voice especially inside the Haram. Even when buying something outside Haram, be polite as you may face the communication barrier.

Learn Basic Arabic

Many Visitors face issues communicating with locals or purchasing food and groceries. It is recommended to learn basic Arabic words before visiting. Remember you are the guest and they are the host. Although they learn words from different languages but don’t expect them to speak your language. Here is a list of words which might help you:

  • Na’am – Yes
  • Laa – No
  • anaa aasif – I am Sorry
  • A’afwan – Excuse Me/Pardon Me
  • Shukran – Thank you
  • Shukran Jazilan – Thank you very much
  • anaa maafi malum arrabi or anna la atakallam al-arrabiya – I don’t speak Arabic
  • ma ismuk – What’s your name?
  • kayfal haal or kayfa haaluka – How are you?
  • anaa bikhayr – i am fine
  • kam haza – How much is this ? (you may point to thing which you want to ask about)
  • Ismii Ali – My Name is Ali (Replace Ali with your name)
  • anaa afham tamaaman – I understand perfectly
  • khalas – finish/done
  • Wayn al matam – Where is Restaurant?
  • Marhaba – Hello
  • Maasalamh – Good Bye
  • Assalam-o-Alaikum – Greeting
  • Walikum-As-Salam – Greeting back as an answer

Don’t stand or sit to block walking path

Most of the time people don’t think about it as they are really tired after performing Umrah or Hajj. It is fine to sit anywhere but better to stand or sit on a corner or place where. Be considerate about other people as they are also equally excited. It can be overwhelming visiting and traveling many miles away from your home. However, please be considerate. Also, be extra considerate towards old people and women with kids. Help people who are in need.

Be Patient – Weather is hot

Be patient and don’t push people to get ahead in lines. Most of the time it happens in getting food or shoes when people lost their patience because of extreme weather conditions and time. Remember, your smile can always calm the other person.

Don’t steal someone’s belongings

This is one of the least discussed topics but we think it must be discussed. It has been noticed that some people even steal in the holy city of Mecca. It is a sin in the religion to steal even outside of the holy city but imagine how bad it is stealing inside haram. Most of the time, people wear someone’s shoes and go to their hotels or house. Some people also steal travel bags or money which is frowned upon anywhere in the world.

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1 Comment

  1. […] out our article on the Makkah City Guide. In which we explained the do’s & don’ts. Must read the article for the pilgrims […]

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