Barbershops and beauty salons to reopen from tomorrow in Saudi Arabia

Barbershops and beauty salons to reopen from tomorrow, 21st June 2020. Saudi Arabia has closed the barbershops, spas, and beauty saloons since the lockdown and curfews. More details below. Barbershops and beauty salons to reopen from tomorrow in Saudi Arabia The below tweet is the official channel of Saudi Momra, they have announced the update. Many people in Saudi Arabia will welcome the update as barbershops and salons are one of the most loved places for people living in Saudi Arabia. Starting tomorrow, Sunday, June 21st, men’s barbershops, and women’s beauty salons are back. ابتداءً من يوم غدٍ الأحد ٢١ … Continue reading Barbershops and beauty salons to reopen from tomorrow in Saudi Arabia