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WHO warns of Potential Disease Outbreak in Gaza

WHO warns of Potential Disease Outbreak in Gaza

WHO warns of Potential Disease Outbreak in Gaza

WHO warns of Potential Disease Outbreak in Gaza. The World Health Organization’s health emergencies lead in the Palestinian territories, Ayadil Saparbekov, has issued a critical warning about the risk of a disease outbreak in Gaza. This alert follows the detection of the polio virus in the region’s sewage system, amidst the death toll from the conflict exceeding 39,000.

WHO warns of Potential Disease Outbreak in Gaza

Saparbekov highlighted the urgent need for medical evacuation for approximately 14,000 individuals from Gaza to receive necessary treatments.

In parallel, Gaza’s Ministry of Health reported over 39,090 fatalities due to the Israel-Hamas conflict. In the last 24 hours alone, 84 people were hospitalized, increasing the total injured count to 90,147 since October 7.

Gaza is enduring a severe humanitarian crisis, exacerbated by the Israeli blockade, leading to acute shortages of food and medicine and widespread water contamination. These conditions are ideal for the proliferation of diseases and epidemics.

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