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Three people arrested for stealing 30,000 cash and 14 mobile devices

Riyadh Police

Riyadh Police

Three people arrested for stealing 30,000 cash and 14 mobile devices. Riyadh Police took the necessary actions to catch the culprits, these culprits were then referred to Public Prosecution. Below is the full details of their crimes.

Three people arrested for stealing 30,000 cash and 14 mobile devices

“The arrest of three citizens, who were found to have been involved in the robbery of a telecom store in a commercial complex, south of Riyadh. They confessed to committing (7) crimes whose methods varied between pickpocketing, theft, and assault, through which they seized cash and holdings whose value exceeded thirty thousand riyals with 14 mobile devices. And all legal measures were taken against them to refer them to the Public Prosecution. (General Security, 2020)”

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