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Sick Leave Announced for Home Quarantine by Saudi Health Ministry

Sick Leave Announced for Home Quarantine by Saudi Health Ministry

Sick Leave Announced for Home Quarantine by Saudi Health Ministry

Sick Leave Announced for Home Quarantine by the Saudi Health Ministry. On March 14, 2020, the Saudi Press Agency published the news. The Sick leave is for anyone who traveled to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 13th March 2020 but some countries have different dates. More Details below.

Sick Leave Announced for Home Quarantine by Saudi Health Ministry

Anyone arrived on 28th February and onwards from China, Japan, South Korea, Italy, Turkey, Singapore, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran.

People arrived on 8th March and onwards from France, Spain, Indonesia, Switzerland, and Germany. And people who arrived from March 11 and onwards for those coming from the UK, Austria, Denmark, the US, Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden.

Medical leave or sick leave can be obtained via an app. This app can be downloaded from Apple or Google play store and is called Sehaty App.

The Ministry of Health also advised contacting the health center which is open 24/7 on 937. This is in case you have any questions or you want more information.

(Source; Saudi Press Agency, 2020)

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