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Saudi Arabia’s Mobility Trends released by Google and Apple

Saudi Arabias Mobility Trends released by Google and Apple

Saudi Arabias Mobility Trends released by Google and Apple

Saudi Arabia’s Mobility Trends released by Google and Apple. These mobility trends show how people are traveling and it has affected over time. The data shows how daily travel or mobility trends has changed since January. This is the time when countries started looking at COVID19. There are some interesting facts below.

Saudi Arabia’s Mobility Trends released by Google and Apple

Mobility Trends Google

Let’s start with Google trends first. The data taken from google maps so it will be pretty accurate.

The trends below show that mobility trends to cafes, shopping, restaurants, etc reduced by -55%. 2nd highest is -52% reduction to parks. But the first is bus or train stations with -76% below baseline. The vehicles are mostly at home and there is an increase of +23% of vehicles at home.

Apple Maps Saudi Arabia’s Mobility Trends Data

Another trend from Apple shows the mobility trends of Walking VS Driving. The data showed below is from apple maps. Generally in Saudi Arabia, there is a decrease of -60% driving and -51% walking. The capital city of Riyadh shows -67% reduction in driving and -52% walking.

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