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Mosques opening rules amendment in Saudi Arabia from 21st June 2020

Mosques opening rules amendment in Saudi Arabia from 21st June 2020

Mosques opening rules amendment in Saudi Arabia from 21st June 2020

Mosques opening rules amendment in Saudi Arabia from 21st June 2020. The authorities have decided to change the timing to open and close the mosques in the Kingdom. The current timings of opening the mosques from 15 minutes before the prayer and 15 minutes after the prayers will be changed. More details below.

Mosques opening rules amendment in Saudi Arabia from 21st June 2020

Starting tomorrow, Sunday .. Opening mosques 30 minutes before the obligatory prayer, and closing 30 minutes after praying.

However, there is no change in the toilet or Wudhu places. It has been said that abolition places must remain close until further places. Violating the measures may result in closing the mosques as it has been seen before. The Authorities will be checking the mosques to safeguard everyone.

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