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Marriage Under 18 Banned by Ministry of Justice

marriage ban

marriage ban

Ministry of Justice took a great step in prohibiting marriage of persons under 18 years age. The minimum age of marriage is also set to 18 a mandatory requirement. The law will protect the men and female under 18 years age.

The decision was taken by Sheikh Dr Walid Al-Samaani. Dr Walid is the Minister of Justice and Chairman of Supreme Judicial Council. He also sent out a circular to all the courts in Saudi Arabia. This circular clearly stated that law bans the under age marriages.

In the mean time, requests of marriage of an underage male or female must be referred to specialised court. These cases will be dealt according to Child Protection Law until the complete implementation.

The directives are based on Child Protection Law. There was already some protection but the new guidelines will make it absolutely clear. The Child Protection Law says: “Before conducting marriage contracts one has to make sure that marrying a person under the age of 18 will not harm him or her and achieve their best interests, male or female.”

Under 18 Marriage is one of the key issue in many countries. Mainly, these issues are in third world countries. Education and discussions on such things are crucial. Saudi Arabia took a right step in stressing the importance of this issue.

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