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Dependent final exit visa clarification by Jawazat – Automatic transfer

Prohibited to keep workers passport confirmed by General Security

Prohibited to keep workers passport confirmed by General Security

Dependent final exit visa clarification by Jawazat: The General Directorate of Passports clarified that if the beneficiary has dependents in residence and issues a final exit visa, then the dependents’ visa will be transferred on his record to a final exit.

Dependent final exit visa clarification by Jawazat

“Jawazat” answered a query on its official twitter account to a resident who asked a question that her husband was sponsored by her. And his residency expired while he was outside the Kingdom due to the conditions of the pandemic. And said: How do I make a final exit for my husband as well, while he is on my sponsorship?

“Jawazat,” said: In the event that a final exit visa is issued to the beneficiary, then the dependency visa on his record is automatically converted into a final exit.

In a related context, the Directorate revealed that newborn children should be granted a resident ID. In case the father wishes to grant him a final exit visa.

This came in response to the question of one of the tweets. Who said: I am a resident, and I have a newborn, and a birth certificate has been issued. A document, where she confirmed that it is required to issue a resident ID to be able to issue a final exit visa.

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