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50 million spent on 30 historical mosques in Saudi Arabia

historical mosques

historical mosques

Saudi Arabia has renovated 30 historical mosques in 423 days. The total cost spent during this time is around 50 million. The project initiated by Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman. This is only the first phase of the project and already surpassed the target.

The mosques spread over 10 regions of the Kingdom. Saudi specialized engineers work for heritage companies took care of the project. The Saudi engineers appointed because of the preservation of historic mosques. But also integrate the urban touch.

The renovated mosques were closed for the last 40 years. These mosques are now open to be visited after renovation. The government is making sure that the rest of the mosques also gets completed and open for visitors and locals.

The mosques facilitate special services for disabled, air conditions, lighting, and other important features. There is also a special area for women’s prayer with proper facilities.

One of the most important mosques in the project is Jarir Al-Bajali Mosque. It is located in the Taif region and successfully renovated. The mosque built in the life of Prophet PBUH after the companion’s name Al Bajali.

Sheikh Abu Bakr Mosque is also part of the renovation. It is around 300 years ago and located in the Al-Ahsa region.

The 30 new mosques renovated and opened to public since last year. December 27th, 2019 is the date when they allowed the public to visit the mosques. The purpose of the project is to keep the history alive and educate people correctly.

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